Saturday, December 29, 2007

B. Will Someday Take Over the World!

I would just like to point out that B. has got you all beat. Sorry, Aislinn and company. He's right. And he proved his rightness with the very words that you guys are fighting for. No 1337sp33k to speak of. What could be more awesome than that? He ran circles around you all with his beautifully logic-ed paragraphs.

For that, I commend him.

Oh, and to Medeia Senka: In saying that you are less idiotic-sounding, you have implied that B. is idiotic-sounding. Which is absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent ludicrous.

I may even have to borrow Aislinn's doom spork.

Laughingly, You-guys-got-pWNd-ingly...

To Judge a Book--or--Avery is a Terrible Person

Most people have been told--at some point in their lives--not to judge a book by its cover. Whether the context is literal or figurative, the saying is rather familiar. Though I try my very best to refrain from judging books by their outer shell, I cannot say that I have been entirely victorious in that regard. You see, I have this nasty habit of judging books by their titles. For instance: I absolutely refused to read Libba Bray's book, Rebel Angels, because I considered the title to be absolutely awful*. I'd truly enjoyed the first book in the series(which happens to have an awesome title), but I just couldn't (initially) bring myself to read the second, because somewhere in my mind I feared that the book wouldn't be very good...because of its title. How very stupid of me.

The Sweet Far Thing came out. Then I realised that I really wanted to know what was going to happen to Gemma Doyle. And of course would have been absolutey inexcusable sin (For which I would be condemned to Special Hell...I simply would not be able to endure eternity with people who talk at the theatre. [Any Browncoats in the audience tonight...?] ) to skip the middle book and read the last. Not to mention it would be incredibly silly to never read a book that I wanted to read, merely becaused I hated the title. So I read it. And it was excellent. I loved it. (So much so that when Aislinn forgot to lend me her copy of The Sweet Far Thing, I rushed off to the bookshop to purchase it myself.)

So, as indicated by the title of this post, I feel like a terrible person. The fact that I judged something so hastily makes me hang my head in shame. Especially since I know that I'll likely do it again. Also, I do believe that it was I who eagerly pushed a copy of the first book in the series, A Great and Terrible Beauty, into Aislinn hands, ordering her to read. It shames me that she beat me to reading the final one...and to reviewing it. But that's another, more trivial matter entirely. The point is (Yes, there is a moral to the story. Please don't kill me.) that though it is sometimes awfully tempting to run for the hills when a badly titled book presents itself, I am beginning to see the error of my ways. And I hope that you, dear reader, shall learn from my mistakes. After all, beauty is found within (Ha! I have ended my post cheesily! This makes me happy!)

As always, learning...

*Meaning no disrespect to the author. Libba Bray is made of awesome! And the title makes more sense to me now that I've read the book.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Aislinn is Holding Me at the Spork-Point

Did everybody miss me? Apparently Aislinn did. Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here typing and fearing for my life. She really might just kill me, since I have not posted in a while. I guess my wonderful wit and charm are important to her sanity. So I will sit here, typing and fearing and feeling awkward because Aislinn is boring a hole in my head with the power of her gaze. Seriously. It's freaking me out.

Anyhow, since I'm posting, I might as well say something semi-worthwhile...
Hmm....It's almost time for winter vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Notice how politically correct I was. I said winter. Yay me!)

That wasn't all that worthwhile. Oh well. Such is life when you're being forced to post on your blog. While being held at spork-point. Fearing for your very life! Your existence!

Speaking of existence...Why do I exist? OMG! Existential crisis!

On another note: Bagels! I love bagels!

Easily distracted from my existential crises...Avery Trelaine

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Book Drought

I feel it my duty to apologise to all of our faithful readers for the recent lack of reviews (of my own, at least). My mum is on journey to a magical, far-off land...and as a result, I am suffering from a book drought. I've read(almost) every worthwhile book in my house, which means a)most of the books that I am in possession of and b) a lot of books (which are all alphabetised. I absolutely adore alphabetising books! Why? Because I'm a book-obsessed freak, of course) . Buying more books is not really an option, as I am relatively money-lacking. And the libray is not a very good place for me to go, because I have very high fines there (I forget to return my books...until they're about a month [or more] late. I know, shame on me, right?).

So mum will be returning soon, at which time I will bow before her and beg for stacks of books to review for all the lovely readers. Sound good? I think so. Apologies once more for the review-lackage.

Perishing of book-thirst...Avery Trelaine

Friday, November 2, 2007

A Very Exciting Thing!

Ladies and Gentlemen...we are proud to present the fact that (drumroll please)...Avery Trelaine is doing NANOWRIMO*! This is very, very exciting!
Except she hasn't started writing yet. And needs to stop referring to herself in the third person.
Heh, heh, heh.
Anyhow, I am doing NANOWRIMO! And you should too.

Writing and Procrastinating...Avery Trelaine

*See Twyla's post on NANOWRIMO if you're confused.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So, I was thinking (a rare occasion, I know...) about the surges in Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series. Extras specifically. I mean, plastic surgery is pretty creepy, right? But some of the surges are pretty damn cool. Infrared vision...flash tattoos...manga eyes! Creepiness aside, I must admit that it sounds kind of awesome. But then I think about the Pretties system before the mind rain, and am really disgusted by my thinking that it sounds cool.

I wonder...would I surge? I'd love to be certain that I would have the will and the strength to refuse to succumb to the pressures of society. But I'm not sure. I think I would be a very different person if I had been born into a society that was built upon such extremes of fame.
Then again, it really isn't so different from now. And I have no intention of ever having plastic surgery. Because...ew, and stuff.

Though I will content myself in deciding that I would not surge, I wonder what I would do if I were to. Nothing like the original pretties. But it would be cool to have infrared vision. And maybe manga eyes. But probably not. That would be really weird.

What would you have done?

Pondering...Avery Trelaine

Friday, October 26, 2007

All Hallow's Eve...

Hallowe'en is upon us!
Anybody else excited?

I, personally, am of the opinion that it is the best holiday EVER. What could be better than a day that practically requires one to dress up? For one night of the year, you can be absolutely anything that you wish. Brilliant, non?

The holiday has, unfortunately, been ridiculously skewed by candy companies. But we'll ignore that superfluous detail because a) candy is delicious and b) costumes are wonderful. This year, I shall be in the guise of a favourite book character: Sabriel, from er...well, you can probably figure that one out. (I should hope.) Anyhow, I am ridiculously happy about it. As usual.

What are you going to be?...Avery Trelaine

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Books feed my soul.

Vapid, vacuous label-driven texts, however, destroy it.
They're sort of like 'LOL'. Except worse.
This is why you will never find a review of 'The Clique' or other such drivel here.

Hate me if you wish...Avery Trelaine

ps- No offense. Really. Je le jure.