Saturday, November 17, 2007

Book Drought

I feel it my duty to apologise to all of our faithful readers for the recent lack of reviews (of my own, at least). My mum is on journey to a magical, far-off land...and as a result, I am suffering from a book drought. I've read(almost) every worthwhile book in my house, which means a)most of the books that I am in possession of and b) a lot of books (which are all alphabetised. I absolutely adore alphabetising books! Why? Because I'm a book-obsessed freak, of course) . Buying more books is not really an option, as I am relatively money-lacking. And the libray is not a very good place for me to go, because I have very high fines there (I forget to return my books...until they're about a month [or more] late. I know, shame on me, right?).

So mum will be returning soon, at which time I will bow before her and beg for stacks of books to review for all the lovely readers. Sound good? I think so. Apologies once more for the review-lackage.

Perishing of book-thirst...Avery Trelaine


B. said...


You should write your novel for NANOWRIMO (after all, the month's more than half over) and then you can review it. Obviously you must make it available for download as well.

Avery Trelaine said...

Yes, yes I should. But it doesn't look as if it's going to happen. I'll try...but it looks like I won't be able to do it this time.
Good idea. I just fail.

Procrastinator Extraordinaire...Avery Trelaine

ReaderGirl said...

Oh well your not the only one! I've missed like 2 weeks of writing XD But I've taken the latest pep talk to heart and have decided to write the fun parts which is really inspiring!

Bri said...

ya my library fines are pretty nasty too... heh heh heh. i should probably get on that. but i still have lots of books to read thankfully.

Rebekah Ruth said...

Mm, I love alphabetising books, too. When I feel sad, I pull all my books off the shelves and reorganize them.

Aislinn Ai said...

Urgh, I hate alphebetizing. See, it takes me forever to do it, and then it takes me forever to find anything. I know where things are better if I organize by, say, color. Or by genre. Or by content. Or by how much I like them. Or by size. Or...

Rambling on, categorizing strangely, and yours,
Aislinn Ai

Unknown said...

I think there's a website called Project Gutenberg or something of the sort with downloadable text files of books on it, if you're ever dying of book drought again.

The Baron Aaros of Ahnduron

PS -- Or you could write something. And then read THAT. Works for me.

Avery Trelaine said...

Speaking of alphabetising...I just did it again! Last night! Hooray! But....sadness. I have about forty or so books that do not fit in my bookcases.(Probably more than that, actually...since I have lent many books out to friends and cousins alike.)
Sad because they're just sitting on the floor of my bedroom *sniff* without a home. But it's also kind of awesome. Because it means that I have a lot of books.

My bookcases runneth over...Avery