Thursday, October 18, 2007

Books feed my soul.

Vapid, vacuous label-driven texts, however, destroy it.
They're sort of like 'LOL'. Except worse.
This is why you will never find a review of 'The Clique' or other such drivel here.

Hate me if you wish...Avery Trelaine

ps- No offense. Really. Je le jure.


Yours Truly said...

Ahhh! The Clique! Nooooooo!!
Almost as bad as Gossip Girl. Almost.

-- Aislinn

Unknown said...

Great site. It's good to know that there are other teenagers out there with more in their heads than air and brandnames. I'm impressed. Keep up the good work!

-- The Baron Aaros of Ahnduron

PS - Has any of you read Phillip Pullman or Clive Barker? They're some of the best out there in this genre. Also Garth Nix. Possibly a relative. That is all.

la_comtess said...

nono, please--NEVER, EVER review books like 'the clique' or 'gossip girl'...i will die a thousand times over
(and we dont want that, now do we...cuz if i die, who will write strange and disturbing commnets like this one? oh right--the baaron.)