I would just like to point out that B. has got you all beat. Sorry, Aislinn and company. He's right. And he proved his rightness with the very words that you guys are fighting for. No 1337sp33k to speak of. What could be more awesome than that? He ran circles around you all with his beautifully logic-ed paragraphs.
For that, I commend him.
Oh, and to Medeia Senka: In saying that you are less idiotic-sounding, you have implied that B.
is idiotic-sounding. Which is absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent ludicrous.
I may even have to borrow Aislinn's doom spork.
Laughingly, You-guys-got-pWNd-ingly...
You did observe my "bowing out gracefully", did you not? I fully understand that B. is an intellectual to be respected *chokes*. Kidding kidding (on the choking thing). All the same I will not yield to the gauntlet thrown. A champion I am for the English language and this I will stay. Born in a maelstrom I exact doom on all lollers (which happens to be an English term for lollipops, hmmm...). Well maybe not that drastic. I sound like Medeia. Oh dear. Hope I didn't offend you stormy folk. You are an incredible teeming mass and I am privileged to comment on this.
Medeia says:
...I did not say that B. sounds like an idiot... I just want to know which one of you can resist laughing (either under your breath or outright cackling) at people who actually say lol (not l-o-l even but phonetically)...
B.... good for you for putting up a debate over something like netspeak... I wasn't trying to insult you or anything (I'm never completely serious on these internet debates... NOTE THIS ALL MEDEIA HATERS... I hope there aren't any *sniff*... No Aella I AM NOT CRYING!)
I helped debate too *sniff* and yes Medeia, I am crying. You should know. You're sitting right next to me.
i am inclined to agree. there was much fawesome intellectuality and debate to be had on that thread. fun to read.
people who debate well are bound to be one day running slave mines on the moon and crushing opposition. or maybe that's people who *don't* debate well--they're the ones who need to use thought-control collars.
hmmmm...that is a joke so inside, i lack a good second half to this metaphor. just say you had to be there for a single day of 8th grade Home Ec class, but the one other friend i had in that class was absent, and the other no longer speaks to me so, yeah...only i get it.
Actually, I disagree-- B does occasionally sound like an idiot.
But he *will* take over the world. He and I have a plan for that, actually-- I beleive that it involves laser-shooting kittens.
-- Aislinn
Laser shooting kittens?... sounds intriguing....
Kittens are devious. Anything that has a face that cute must be devious. If I was that cute my plans for world domination would already be in motion. I sound like Medeia, haha.
Oh, yes Aella daaahling, you are starting to sound like me... I was planning on using a stampede of wild man-eating camels... maybe that's why I wasn't getting anywhere with my world domination objective, camels simply aren't cute enough...
Euhm… Sorry Medeia, but I think the real problem is that you tried to use WILD man-eating camels. Naturally camels are vegetarian, so you'd have to genetically engineer them. They simply don't exist in the wild, which would make a stampede of them pretty much impossible to start. However, a stampede of genetically-engineered - or even robotic - camels is far easier to start and probably much more effective.
And yes. You would certainly not suspect these cute, adorable kittens to be, in fact, the world's most advanced miniature death machines - in one compact little package. Which is why taking over the world will be so easy. I think.
I know that B. occasionally sounds like an idiot, Aislinn, darling. Particularly when he's speaking French. Heh.
Everybody has to sound idiotic sometimes. Otherwise...er...the universe would explode!
And there I go with the idiot-sounding-like-ness. Hooray!
Ah, but b. daahling just because you have never seen a stampede of wild man-eating camels, doesn't mean they don't exist... Haven't you been to the rough downtown of the Patagonian capital?... and another thing man-eating camels are always wild...
Hmm. True. I was simply assuming what the media was telling me was true, which I guess is probably not the best idea. Additionally I wasn't aware that camels had made it to the bottom of South America, but in the event that I'm missing a book reference here I'll simply state that no, I've never been to the Patagonian capital. I also don't think that it would remain a city, let alone a capital, if they allow wild man-eating dromedaries in there. I should think that unless there was a massive cover-up going on, there would be some man-eating camels bred in captivity for zoos and maybe as guard animals or war mounts.
And yet I still think that robotic ones would be far cooler and easier. For one thing, you could at least attempt to make them cute, which is clearly a huge benefit. Humps could easily store ammunition or explosives, teeth could be replaced with razorblades, they could have bulletproof shielding and more. Additionally you could make them far more powerful than your regular man-eating camel, and if you didn't decide to make them cute (honestly I have no idea how you'd go about that), you could make them terrifying (fairly easily).
B, your robotic man-eating camels intrigue me. I did not believe you had the potential of taking over the world but now...if you want my help, I shall gladly give it to you. One condition. I get to have one of them shiny man-eating camels to me self. Deal?
Dreaming of my sharp, pointy man-eating camel,
Twyla Lee
Twyla, if everyone would help me take over the world for a robotic man-eating camel, it would be mine already. Since that is, on the grand scale of things, such a small request, you can be positive it would be granted. In fact, the first thing you can do to aid me in my quest, is convince everyone ELSE that they want a robotic man-eating camel in return for helping me take over the world.
If you do that, I'll give you two. Customized however you want. Deal?
Oh no no no, they don't let the animals out into the tourist section (and by tourist section, I mean everywhere that the media is telling you about... they don't want you to know about the horrible truth that is *dum dum dum* Patagonia... but I won't get into that)
I don't know, I'm not really a big fan of robots... the whole computer hacking thing leaves the unsettling possibility that someone could take over your entire army... all that blood sweat and tears in the hands of some wannabe world conqueror who didn't want to start from scratch *shudders*...
Actually, the hacking issue can be easily solved. A computer cannot be hacked if it can't receive programmed instructions. Instead, simply construct them with a travel statement and a "do while" segment. In a made-up programming language that anyone could comprehend, it might look something like this:
{SetLocation = getLocation;
If (SetLocation != X,Y);
{goto X,Y};
While(SetLocation != X,Y);
If (SetLocation = X,Y);
(!= is programming for "doesn't equal")
I think anyone could figure out what that code would do. The best part is that it doesn't allow for input, except during the ANNIHILATE ALL ENEMIES function, in which it could be programmed to destroy anything that moves. It'd mean you'd have to program each chip before implementing it inside the camel, and have different camels for different phases of attack, but it'd be completely immune to hacking.
Ahh, I see, but that sounds like a lot more work than just using the wild camels (for reasons I won't bore you with)...
hmmmmm....it starts with deadly robot camels, then suddenly it's deadly robot llamas, and then the world has been destroyed
*goes to hide in anti-radiation bunker*
I want a doom camel!
And I want to help take over zee vorld!
But according to some *cough*Aislinn*cough*...I'm too 'sweet'. How rude. Does evil mean nothing to her? After all the evil we've shared...Harumph.
Sigh of sorrow. Evil sorrow.
Grumpily...Avery Trelaine
Ah, but you see, you're thinking of a very basic computer-camel, B. The problem with your model is that it would have to be entirely controlled by humans-- and the attack would have to be synchronized by humans as well, which leaves a LOT of rooom for error. It would work better if the camels were in a closed network, with one control-camel. The camels could not be hacked because NO outside computer would be allowed access to the closed network (camels would be individually built and programmed in order to be in the network; additionally, there would be a different network for each camel-squadron). In order to prevent enemies from getting their hands on the camels, the camels would be built so that they self-destruct if anyone but certain authorized people touch them (this would be hard-wired in so that any change is impossible). The Self-destruct would be triggered by the *absence* of recognised fingerprints (camels would be designed so that only hands are needed to handle them, in order to be able to use fingerprint recognition software) so that intruders could not simply wear gloves.
-- Aislinn Ai
PS Maybe I thought about this too much? I really just made it up as I went along, so whatever.
PPS Wait, why are we talking about this? I mean, it's interesting, just... odd.
Come on, people wild man-eating camels are the way to go! Especially when enhanced by magic...
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