Saturday, November 17, 2007

Book Drought

I feel it my duty to apologise to all of our faithful readers for the recent lack of reviews (of my own, at least). My mum is on journey to a magical, far-off land...and as a result, I am suffering from a book drought. I've read(almost) every worthwhile book in my house, which means a)most of the books that I am in possession of and b) a lot of books (which are all alphabetised. I absolutely adore alphabetising books! Why? Because I'm a book-obsessed freak, of course) . Buying more books is not really an option, as I am relatively money-lacking. And the libray is not a very good place for me to go, because I have very high fines there (I forget to return my books...until they're about a month [or more] late. I know, shame on me, right?).

So mum will be returning soon, at which time I will bow before her and beg for stacks of books to review for all the lovely readers. Sound good? I think so. Apologies once more for the review-lackage.

Perishing of book-thirst...Avery Trelaine

Friday, November 2, 2007

A Very Exciting Thing!

Ladies and Gentlemen...we are proud to present the fact that (drumroll please)...Avery Trelaine is doing NANOWRIMO*! This is very, very exciting!
Except she hasn't started writing yet. And needs to stop referring to herself in the third person.
Heh, heh, heh.
Anyhow, I am doing NANOWRIMO! And you should too.

Writing and Procrastinating...Avery Trelaine

*See Twyla's post on NANOWRIMO if you're confused.